LONN: Did you always think you'd be a DB like this?
JU'JUAN: No sir I didn’t. Just came about a few weeks ago.
LONN: Who's idea was it to try you out there? It's pretty crazy how you're naturally ready for it.
JU'JUAN: Colleges were talking to my uncle about it and I decided to do it.
LONN: Do you by chance remember who first asked you to try DB?
JU'JUAN: They was just talking about me playing a different position. Some said WR some DB. I think it was Miss State that first asked if I would be open to playing other positions.

LONN: And that was just a few weeks ago?
JU'JUAN: It was a few months ago that I was asked, but a few weeks ago that I started practicing DB.
LONN: Did you always want to play DB or is this very new for you and your comfort level?
JU'JUAN: Never thought about it until recently. I really like it now though.
LONN: What are your plans for this fall with LCA? Still playing QB of course? and double duty at DB?
JU'JUAN: I will be just playing QB.
LONN: Ju'Juan, how did you like being coached by Robert Steeples?
JU'JUAN: Learned a lot from him, he was a very good coach. He explained new things to me regarding corner and my grades which was important to me.
LONN: Most coaches just talk ball, what was he saying that was important to you about academics?
JU'JUAN: Just asking me what my GPA was and about what I needed to qualify for an Offer.
LONN: What are your biggest goals for 2022?
JU'JUAN: Win a state title and get 1% better everyday.

LONN: Do you see a future for yourself at LSU, repping the purple & gold?
JU'JUAN: (laughs) I can’t answer that honestly.
LONN: Which school is leading the way for your signature thus far?
JU'JUAN: This process is all new and fresh. No one has a lead just yet.
LONN: The A&M offer, how did you feel when you got the call?
JU'JUAN: Feel good, honestly I’m thankful for the opportunity.
LONN: Last question: Who is your favorite DB and a guy who you'll study later on?
JU'JUAN: Tyrann Mathieu.
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